April 16, 2021

Episode 34 - Maria Steinhauser

Episode 34 - Maria Steinhauser

Grand theft auto? Podium finishes? Master’s degree? Episode 34 featured Maria Steinhauser and her journey through single parenting, grad school, full-time teaching, and podium finishes. We shared an hour laughing and reliving some of her adventures. Maria is a driven, successful, compassionate, and hard-working human. Her pacers might have accidentally stolen a car while she was running as well! Tune in to hear how it all played out. Don’t forget to rate and review. Subscribe to our Patreon for $1!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/maria.maria.9235

IG: @singletrackrunningmaria 


Maria Steinhauser's Results (ultrasignup.com)

MRTT FB: (8) She RUNS This Town / Moms RUN This Town | Facebook

FKT: Maria Steinhauser | Fastest Known Time

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